Thompson House: Rehabilitation and Nursing Center - Residential Care in Brattleboro Vermont

COVID-19 Update: October 21, 2022


October 21, 2022

Dear Families and Friends,

As of this morning, Thompson House has twelve COVID-19 positive residents – all on the first floor of the facility – and four positive staff members. All residents upstairs, in both Skilled Rehab and Residential Care, remain COVID-19 free.

Our effected residents are doing well overall, thankfully, and we anticipate a full recovery with every positive case.

We continue to encourage virtual and/or phone visits, and we can’t emphasize enough the importance of good hand hygiene, social distancing, and mask-wearing while in the facility. Patio visits, when weather permits, remain preferable to indoor visits.

Positive residents are receiving regular in-room visits from the activities department (communal activities are temporarily halted) as well as nursing. Residents who may do so safely are being encouraged to dine in their rooms while fewer residents are being seated per table for meals in the dining room.

We have been (and still are) rapid-antigen testing residents daily and are now able to administer confirmational 30-Minute PCR tests. We have a generous supply of PPE and Thompson House’s housekeeping and laundry staff, alongside our nurses and aides, are going above and beyond the call to keep your loved ones as safe as possible.

Thank you again to the Vermont Department of Health for continuing to support our efforts with much-appreciated supplies, support staff, and real-time epidemiological guidance during this time.

We’ll update you again early next week.


Judy Morton, Administrator