We enjoy a vibrant Activities Program at Thompson House! Our residents are participating, active members of our community, and share a wide variety of experiences with our many valued friends. Here are some examples of various outings and activities which have been planned, coordinated and successfully achieved to enhance the lives of our residents:
- Day trip to Maine
- Participation in parades
- Fishing trips to area ponds
- Lunch at area restaurants
- Band concerts
- Day trip to Mohegan Casino
- Music concerts: classical, folk, country, gospel & jazz
- Horticulture project
- Room-to-room activities
- Buffet meals
- Monthly socials with:
Putney Grammar School
Guilford School - Vermont Jazz Center
- Bagpipe visits
- Antique car cruise-in
- Community service projects:
Drop-In Center – food donations
Windham County Humane Society –
Walk for Animals - Dreams Happen
- Trips to Montpelier
- Yoga
- Motorcycle days – Cruise-in
- Cocktails/Happy Hour
- Foliage rides
- Animal therapy – Licks of Love
- Spiritual activities
- Educational programs
- Sensory stimulation
- Veteran participation
- Estey organ concerts
- Poker parties
- Art classes
- New England Center for Circus Arts
- Taste of Brattleboro
- Pulse of Brattleboro
- Brattleboro Music Center concerts
- Gallery exhibits
- Therapeutic donkey visits
- Argentine tango demonstrations
- Kona Ice truck visits
Our volunteer family members number over 150. Volunteers hail from all walks of life, represent all ages, and provide a varied selection of volunteer services.
We Honor Our Residents!
Join Our Activities!
The Activities Program at Thompson House brings us a sense of vitality, community and fun. We thank our volunteer family who share their passions and experiences with us. Please join us, and in turn, enjoy the wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience that our residents will happily share with you.
For more information about activities and volunteer programs, contact
Shannon Bratcher, Activities Director, at 254-4977 ext. 242.