Thompson House: Rehabilitation and Nursing Center - Residential Care in Brattleboro Vermont

A letter to family and friends of Thompson House from our administrator


February 14, 2023

Dear Residents, Friends, and Families,

We are writing to inform you all that 1 staff member has tested positive for covid19. We have had no other staff or residents test positive at this time, other than 1 who was admitted with known covid. The staff member had not worked on the same floor as or with the positive resident and our VDH epidemiology team has not linked this to the facility at this time.

We are writing out of an abundance of precaution, and to inform you that we have been testing the residents and staff who were close contacts of the positive staff member. All remain negative. We are monitoring signs and symptoms in staff and residents, and no other positives have been identified. We will of course keep you updated with any changes.

Thompson House continues to offer rapid tests upon request to visitors, but this is not required. Please remain vigilant about hand hygiene, cough etiquette, mask wearing, and social distancing, as community transmission levels remain “substantial”. Please refrain from visiting if you have signs or symptoms of covid, or known exposure.

Thank you!

Judy Morton, Administrator
Melissa Osborne, Director of Nursing